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Corridor Challenge – The scariest picture

October 30, 2023

As the autumn weather approaches and the darkness gains power over the light, it's time to do something fun that lights up our daily lives! Collect the corridor and create the scariest picture you can! Get help from as many people as you can in the corridor and create a picture. Play with lights and colors, props and costumes. You have free rein to create a terrifying and scary picture. What's the scariest thing you can come up with?

Show your corridor picture and compete for gift cards at ICA that you can use to treat yourself to a cozy autumn dinner in the corridor.

This is how it works

  • The competition starts now and ends on November 6, 2023, by which time the entries must have been submitted.
  • Each competition entry must contain two pictures. Your corridor’s scary picture, and a photo of the group that is participating in the activity.
  • Photos and information about your competing corridor are sent to
  • Winning contributions are selected by AF Bostäder.
  • Submitted contributions might be published in AF Bostäder's channels.

There are prizes, of course! The winning corridor receives a gift card at ICA worth 2000 SEK. The second and third prize recipients each receive gift cards at ICA worth 1000 SEK.

Good luck!