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Four students in a corridor kitchen. Two sit at a table talking, one is cooking by the stove and one is sitting in a sofa reading.

Well-considered rent increases secure future housing

AF Bostäder’s rent-setting stems from a rent model based on the students’ wishes, and the annual rent increase is negotiated with the Swedish Union of Tenants (Hyresgästföreningen). As AF Bostäder is a foundation, the revenue remains entirely within the organisation, where it is used for maintenance and long-term investments.

AF Bostäder offers a broad and varied range of student housing, from corridor rooms in older properties to apartments with a modern design for 1-3 people in new buildings. The common thread is that the housing is to be good value for money, offer high quality and be adapted for students.

“The rents can vary within the property portfolio, depending on the property’s age, size, location and equipment,” says Claes Hjortronsteen, Rental Manager at AF Bostäder. “The cost of specific housing depends quite simply on two things: firstly, the rent-setting itself, which is based on our rent model, and then the annual rent increase, which is related to inflation and increased costs.”

In Sweden, a number of different rent models are applied, as needs and appraisals differ between cities, areas, types of housing and customers. Students and families with small children value completely different things, for example.

“Our rent model is designed specifically for student housing in Lund and based on how our customers appraise the characteristics of their housing,” says Claes Hjortronsteen. “Thanks to our various surveys, we have a good picture of what our students want. High on the wishlist is fresh and clean accommodation, preferably with a good kitchen and, not least, a rent that also includes heating, electricity, water and broadband. It can be difficult to compare our rents, as different companies use different rent models. The all-inclusive perspective is a good example, and so is the fact that a lot of our housing has only nine-month rents. Someone who wants to compare us with a private company will probably have to consider the number of monthly rents and add in costs for electricity and broadband.”

The annual rent increase is negotiated with the Swedish Union of Tenants. Discussions in the negotiations cover future investments that are planned and how large price increases are expected to be regarding, for example, electricity, heating, water and purchased services. The previous year’s initiatives are followed up in relation to the previous negotiations.

“AF Bostäder and the Swedish Union of Tenants have long had a shared view about the students’ needs, how price-setting is to be carried out for housing and what annual revenue increase is necessary,” says Claes Hjortronsteen. “For 2021, the negotiations were affected by rising socio-economic concerns related to the pandemic, but over time it was shown that the concerns were unjustified and that a normal rent increase was reasonable.”

“The rent normally rises by approximately two per cent per year,” says Claes Hjortronsteen. “If the rent for specific housing increases by more than this, it is generally in connection with a major upgrade in equipment that raises the standard of the housing. In such cases, we do not bring in the price change until there is a change of tenant in the housing. It is a common misunderstanding that rent increases finance new construction, but that is not the case. Each new construction project is to be self-supporting, with its own budget and its own rent-setting.”

“AF Bostäder is a foundation, and the students – who account for most of our revenue – have considerable influence in the organisation. For example, the Academic Society appoints both board members and the students’ housing ombudsman. Here, there are no owners who set demands for dividends or returns, or influence us in any other way. The rents go entirely to maintenance, ongoing expenses and a surplus that ensures the organisation is stable in the long term with the scope to make investments,” concludes Claes Hjortronsteen.

Latest update June 14, 2022
Claes Hjortronsteen
Claes Hjortronsteen
Rental Manager
046 -19 15 36

Several hand are fistbumping
Long-term and responsible actor

New sustainability network

Those responsible for sustainability management are constantly facing new challenges. A network initiated by AF Bostäder will give student housing companies the opportunity to share knowledge and inspiration with each other.

A male student with a folded moving box
Long-term and responsible actor

Secure sub-letting

AF Bostäder rents out affordable housing in attractive locations to students at Lund University. The queue and rental terms, which include admission and study rate requirements, are to ensure that renting is fair and conducted via a housing queue. Sub-letting is permitted to a limited extent in order to facilitate, for example, studies abroad and military conscription.

Three people stand around some papers
Long-term and responsible actor

New coordinated risk analysis

AF Bostäder has for some time conducted risk analyses concerning everything from financing and work environment to extreme rainfall events. Now, the work on risk is being expanded and coordinated, for a better overview and reporting purposes.

Hands over a computer keyboard
Long-term and responsible actor

Strong engagement in our own business system

Many companies buy a ready-to-use business system and adapt their processes to the system. AF Bostäder has instead chosen to design its own system from scratch. Thanks to strong engagement internally in the development work, the system is powerful, easy to use and liked by both customers and staff.

Two people in sunchairs. On top of the picture there is written
Long-term and responsible actor

Lund students’ own student housing company celebrated its 40th anniversary

AF Bostäder dates back all the way to 1830. It was then that Akademiska Föreningen was formed to keep the students in order. Inspired by the English college system, AF offered food and accommodation to some 50 students. Sylwanska Gården became the first form of housing with student influence.

Long-term and responsible actor

An even rent trend is a high priority

AF Bostäder aims to give students a rent trend that is as even as possible so that they can forecast their costs and keep track of their everyday finances. At the same time, stable revenues give AF Bostäder the preconditions for planning its operations with a long-term perspective.

An illustration of Troja
Long-term and responsible actor

New vistas await when Kämnärsrätten is completed

With the building of Troja – AF Bostäder’s biggest construction start since the 1960s and the last quarter in the expansion along Kämnärsvägen – one of Sweden's most significant investments in sustainable student housing will reach the finishing line. In parallel, planning is underway for continued expansion, in careful balance with the housing needs of Lund students.

A young woman stands behind the desk at Service centre, smiling at the camera. In front of her a student.
Long-term and responsible actor

The student worker role at AF Bostäder – a good start in working life

At the Service Centre, customers often receive assistance from staff who are active students. Student workers make up a unique resource in the company, and the job is often a springboard for their own careers. Meet Amanda Forslund who has gone on to become a property appraiser, and Alexander Gahnström who has continued to work within AF Bostäder.

An illustration of what Rhodos will look like
Long-term and responsible actor

Rhodos – an extremely climate-friendly student housing area

AF Bostäder is implementing one of Sweden’s biggest investments in long-term sustainable student housing at Kämnärsrätten. Three of the quarters are now complete, one is close to being inaugurated and in 2022 construction began on Rhodos – a wonder in terms of sustainability and low climate impact.

Two people shaking hands, only the arms are visible
Long-term and responsible actor

Whistleblower system in place

At the end of 2022, AF Bostäder launched a whistleblower system in which staff can anonymously report serious misconduct. No whistleblower cases have been reported.

Four-leaf clover buildings
Long-term and responsible actor

The end of an era heralds new, sustainable times

When Kämnärsrätten was built in the 1960s, Hans Westman’s innovative “four-leaf clover” buildings had an important role, and in total provided accommodation for 1 000 students. Many students have good memories from these special small buildings, which, apart from in the quarter at Gylleholm, are now a thing of the past. AF Bostäder has been demolishing four-leaf clover buildings since 2016 and has started one of Sweden’s biggest investments in long-term sustainable student housing.

Bird view over Delphi
Long-term and responsible actor

At Delphi, 425 of 850 bathrooms are renovated and ready

In an extensive renovation project, AF Bostäder is replacing all the plumbing systems for 850 corridor rooms at Delphi. Bathrooms, accommodation, ventilation, broadband and corridor fixtures will also get a revamp. The work is following an ingenious system in which all tenants avoid disruption by moving to a newly renovated corridor – with no change in the rent.

A student unpacks a box in her student room
Long-term and responsible actor

More accommodation places for new students

Newly admitted Lund University students whose home is outside Skåne need housing directly in order to begin their studies. The number of accommodation places earmarked for long-distance students increased in 2022.

Two people on a constructionsite. They are weating yellow jackets, white helmets and one of them is looking down at a blueprint while the other is looking into the camera
Long-term and responsible actor

Code of conduct introduced

In 2020, AF Bostäder produced a code of conduct that is to ensure that AF Bostäder and the company’s partners have the same sustainability aims. The introduction continued in 2021 with a focus on close dialogue.

View over Kämnärsvägen, with Hippocampus in focus
Long-term and responsible actor

New city district generates knowledge about sustainable student housing

At Kämnärsrätten, AF Bostäder is driving one of Sweden’s largest investments in student housing. The plans cover six new quarters, and the company is on a purposeful development journey in which each new construction project becomes more innovative and sustainable than the last. The last quarter is the best by far – and the next will be even better.

Long-term and responsible actor

New whistleblower function

AF Bostäder has a zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of corruption. The company has both internal guidelines for business ethics and a code of conduct for staff and partners. A whistleblower function will also be established soon.

Three students in a corridor kithen at Vildanden
Long-term and responsible actor

High demand, but there is housing for everyone

There is a high demand for housing adapted for students in Lund, but there are many alternatives and most people who are admitted for studies have some form of housing at the start of the semester. AF Bostäder is working in the long term to increase accommodation, and new student housing quarters are taking shape.